Battering Intervention Resources:
Music: I Gave Her Flowers/Silence is Consent
Click to listen, then click the 3 dots to download
Battering Intervention Document Templates:
Policy Manual
Release of Information Criminal Legal System
Release of Information to Survivor
Observer Confidentiality Agreement
The Case Against Anger Control, Ed Gondolf
Operationalizing Accountability. CGI article
*Revised Power & Control Wheel

HEAL Accountability Workbook
Prison Based BIP Work
Building Responsible Individualized Dynamics Gaining Essential Safety (BRIDGES) is a model of intervention for programming that is time limited within a jail or prison. This is a model that includes a psycho-educational format along with a style of participatory group work. This curriculum will also fit well with the community-based programs and will prepare the participant to fully and rapidly engage in these programs.
This curriculum is not intended to be a full battering intervention program, but rather to fit into a progressive and systemic model of intervening with this unique perpetrator of violence against women and children.
- Educate men about the dynamics of domestic violence in their lives.
- Offer men a forum to discuss their experiences of perpetrating domestic violence.
- Challenge the beliefs that men hold which perpetuate controlling and abusive behavior.
- Encourage men to pursue participation in a battering intervention program after exit from the facility.
Philosophy & Function:
Men who have been incarcerated for short or long duration are exposed to the myriad issues of domestic violence, male responsibility and accountability. We believe that it is valuable to provide a forum where men are given the opportunity to discuss their experiences of committing domestic violence. It is in this forum, that men, possibly for the first time, will experience not only an education about domestic violence but will benefit from the introspective challenge of discussing their beliefs, attitudes and behaviors about domestic violence. This class meets for two hours 2-3 times per week to have discussions as outlined in this curriculum.
An additional function of the BRIDGES Preparation Program is to promote active and accountable participation in a long-term battering intervention program once they complete the BRIDGES Preparation Program.
Bridges Participant Workbook (pdf)
Bridges Facilitator Manual (pdf)
Meridians for Incarcerated Women is a 20-session gender-informed, evidenced based support and intervention program for women who have experienced, perpetrated, survived and/or witnessed domestic violence. The skills-based program provides women the unique opportunity to reflect upon their past as they make choices for violence-free futures.
The Meridians for Incarcerated Women Workbook assignments and presentations facilitate group participant healing and introspection. The Participant Workbook begins with an emphasis on deconstructing power and control dynamics and concludes with women identifying previously unrecognized resources, skills and social supports.
The Meridians for Incarcerated Women: Facilitator Manual guides group facilitators through each assignment and presentation’s purpose, implementation, and key points. In addition, the Facilitator Manual is rich with supplemental statistics, group facilitation exercises, and more!
Meridians Participant Workbook (pdf)
Meridians Facilitator Manual (pdf)
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